Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Are you needing to get super clear and dialed in about your offerings, including what to charge AND how to ask for what you want?

Do you have mixed feelings about sales, but know you need to harness them in order to grow your business?

Are you wanting to work thru any blocks to call in your dream clients and make what you're truly worth?

Are you ready to get organized with your finances and become more conscious of your spending? Taking a magnifying glass to your numbers can feel scary, but it can REALLY make a difference in how you show up and how aligned everything can become.

After all, Money is ENERGY! So use it in a way that feels really GOOD!

If any of this speaks to you, lets set up a vision call::: and I'll promise to make this FUN.

I'm now offering one-on-one ---- FULL DAY journeys into your finances where we re-write your money story, gain clarity, and take action to achieve your goals! With this offering you'll receive an organized plan, reminders, weekly tasks to keep on track, and a meditation to rewire your beliefs around money to listen to whenever you need it.

Why work with me >>> I have a background in money and finance that exceeds 10 years including directing multi-million dollars and financial analysis. Additionally I've worked with money and business coaches, diving into the spiritual realms of money for the last four years.

Why I LOVE working with healers and creatives >>> I've been on both sides and I am THAT also! The logical side AND the woo-woo side of things, so I understand what it takes and what you need to be successful. I'm here to help you ground this into reality.

These FULL-day journeys require us to be IN person::: If you're not in the area, there is a possibility I could come to you. Let’s talk and see how we can work together.

#sasharose #serve #servant #shareyourgifts #lovewhatyoudo #empower #grow #bestrong #claritymeetsaction #loveyourmoney #changeyourrelationship #embody #power #manifest #moneymagic