3 Months To Your Heart's Desire, Self-Love to Success

an intensive coaching program for women entrepreneurs


Welcome to the heart of your desires!

Are you ready for the pinnacle of success?
Do you understand that wealth is a state of being?
Want to embrace prosperity with finances, relational success, influence and impact?
Meet Goddess Isis, the bringer of magic, the embodiment of a fertile life, the ultimate creatrix.

We’ll call in her spirit to inspire everything you do.


Success and Relationship Coach

Growing up, my friends often talked about my “invisibility cloak”. I felt unsafe around anyone who might get angry. I was painfully shy and struggled socially. I struggled in relationship to myself and others, and was not aligned with love. I had so many defense mechanisms that I completely checked out of my body. My dad taught me how to save $. By the time I was 19, I had 3k in the bank. I accepted the inheritance that to be “worthy” in life, I had to work hard and make $. I wanted so desperately to find this place of security and self-acceptance, so I did everything I possibly could to create that financially. Deep down, I really wanted to feel safe with others and to be loved and accepted.

Before I had my spiritual awakening, I stumbled across a Law Of Attraction book and started using the techniques without realizing it. I started out as an office assistant at a multi-million dollar agency to being Financial Director of 4 States, because I wanted it bad enough. My goal was to purchase 3 homes by the time I was 30 and I reached that goal by age 28.

When I wanted something, I created possibility and when I spoke it, there it was. I began to understand energy in a totally new way. I saw money as a resource to pull from to get whatever I wanted and the true desire of my heart was to experience even greater depth in terms of how I related to everything else. So I went and learned many healing modalities, including ThetaHealing, energy work, chakra balancing, and more that drew me closer to who I was.

Now, I have even more freedom in my expression with my relationship to energy and the way the world works. I understand the spiritual perspective of money that views my finances as a magical limitless resource that supports me. I am also in tune and so connected that I can go to a party by myself and work the room. I can facilitate in a way that is fully present because of my confidence. I emanate the highest frequency of love and tap into my empowered, loving self on the daily. I don’t run away from things when they get hard or someone gets afraid. I have the awareness to understand myself in all of my relationships.

Uncover Sasha’s Modalities & Trainings


The Work

of Sasha Rose Coaching


1 / Energy

Access the Divine thru ThetaHealing, Chakras, and beyond to move thru limiting belief patterns and emotional clearing.


2 / Soul Excavation

We’ll dig into your mission and how to grow it through coaching and authentic relating.


3 / Ascension

Reach your personal peak through journaling, meditation, and visualization exercises and homework.


Client Praise


I Believe In Magic.


Trust the Unfolding


Reimagine All Self-Limiting Beliefs



Experience Cosmic Leaps In Your Life



Embody Your True Sovereign Being


What You’ll Get

1-on-1 Weekly Coaching
Tangible Homework & Journaling
Personalized Energy Healing
Email Access 24 Hour Response M-F


I invoke my inner Isis.
